I'm back from vacation and here's what I have to say about using @ProjectFi overseas! (Thank you @Google!) June 27, 2016 Google ProjectFi +
Sweet Treats with #Google Sheets and Share Smarter with @Buffer & @IFTTT ... my presos from #TCEATOTS :) June 15, 2016 communication conference Google TCEA +
I've had my Nexus 6P and @ProjectFi for a week and here's what I have to say about it... June 14, 2016
My new Nexus 6P is set up and my @ProjectFi is LIVE! This is so exciting! June 06, 2016 Google ProjectFi +
Big DUH moment in preparation for @ProjectFi - managing and merging my device and #Google contacts! June 06, 2016 Google ProjectFi +