The one question you need to ask to know what's happening on your campus or in your district...

I ask it ALL THE TIME! If you really want to know what's happening on your campus or in your district, get out there, walk around, and ASK! Walk by a classroom and peek in. If they're doing something neat, walk in and say ... Whatcha doin'? See some students working in the hallway? Ask them ... Whatcha doin'? THEY - WILL - TELL - YOU! Even big kids will tell you. I was leaving the high school one day last week and saw this...

I could have easily just walked on by and gotten in my car, but my interest was peaked so I asked them ... Whatcha doin'?  They were all smiles telling me about a biology scavenger hunt they were working on. They even happily posed for me to take a picture to tweet out for BISD. I would never had known if I didn't ask the question.

All you have to do is ASK!

I challenge you to find one classroom or one group of students doing something really neat this week and ask them ... Whatcha doin'?  You won't be sorry you did it!
