30 Day Blogging Challenge: Day 22

Day 22 - What does your PLN look like, and what does it to for your teaching?
I believe my PLN is pretty robust!  I utilize Twitter, Google+, Facebook, blogging and both in-person and digital communication to learn and grow from other educators.  I am a MUCH better educator having all of these people and resources at my fingertips.  I literally have thousands of experts right in my pocket via my smart phone whenever and wherever I have a problem.  Countless times I have tweeted a problem and gotten an immediate solution.  I am able to share resources and ideas on several Google+ communities I am involved in.  I can have impromptu Google Hangouts with any of my colleagues from around the globe to brainstorm and plan.  I certainly would not want to function without the power of my PLN!   
What's your favorite tool in your PLN?
