Day 10 -
Share five random facts about yourself.
- I chew the same number of times on each side of my mouth. (OCD much?!)
- I crack my knuckles.
- I have 2 tattoos (as of now!) and if my husband didn't care I'd probably have a sleeve. :)
- I hate to have dirty feet.
- I am a crier. I cry at everything. Commercials. Even stupid commercials. (My husband makes fun of this!) Songs. My kids. Text messages. YouTube videos. Articles. Pictures. Really. I cry at the drop of a hat!
Share four things from your bucket list.
- Live abroad. I don't even care where.
- Open a charter school. A good charter school. A charter school that will help charter schools rebuild a good image and provide a REALLY GOOD quality education.
- Finish the #$%& Masters degree I started in 2000.
- Be a Lead Learner at a Google Teacher Academy. (Why not dream big, right?!)
- I hope I am successful as an Instructional Technology Specialist at my new campus here in Brenham ISD.
- I hope Techs4Tex is able to pull off another successful Texas Google Summit.
- I hope I am able to maintain some sort of balance between work and family and school and life. (Yep, that's a biggie.)
- Last year I lost a dear friend and a valued educator, my sweet friend Deb Tackett, BMS Librarian. I cried a few weeks ago when I walked into the dark, empty office of the brand new library that she never got to enjoy. I know she gets to enjoy it from the best seat in the house, but it broke my heart to not have that space full of her life.
- I love laughing on Fridays with my colleagues +Tom Spall and +Troy Kuhn when we meet at the Technology Department for weekly PD and planning. We've been sharing our "rose and thorn" from the week and it's nice to share a chuckle and decompress.
Although I am pretty assertive, I really hate confrontation. I am a pleaser deep down and I just want everyone to be happy and get along. I haven gotten more and more comfortable in this skin ... almost 37 years of it ... and I have learned to say what I mean, mean what I say and stand up for myself and others when necessary. I may be tough in some situations, but when it comes to human emotions I am pitiful. :)
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