What will they think of us?! (Using iFakeText and Voki)

This was a very successful and popular lesson that I did with a group of third graders and it's so easy and fun that I had to share it with you!  I delivered this lesson in Edmodo - if you're not using Edmodo you SHOULD be!  It's a great online learning tool and it looks like Facebook, so the kids love it!  Check out my Edmodo Smore flyer and also my Edmodo blog posts for more info!

The lesson I delivered in Edmodo is below.  I think this could easily be transferred to any subject, any grade level.
Think about how students will learn in 50 years. What do you think will be different about schools and classrooms and teachers? Today you will create a Voki speaking avatar that is a student who is in school 50 years from now. Your avatar will talk about how different school is now and then. You will also create a fake text message between two students who are in school 50 years from now.

First, go to the "Create a Voki" link. Customize your avatar and type in the text you want your avatar to say.

Then, go to the "iFakeText" link and create a fake text message between two students who are 50 years in the future. (Be school appropriate, please!) 
Enjoy the finished products here and let me know if you use this lesson with your kids!  I'd love to hear how it goes!
