Project Based Learning

There has been a lot of hype lately around "Project Based Learning."  So, what is it?!  Watch this short video from the awesome folks at Common Craft (the "In Plan English" series) to get an introduction to what PBL really is...

Now, check out this video to see PBL in action!

If you are interested in learning more about Project Based Learning or trying to implement this awesome teaching technique, I highly recommend checking out  This is an AMAZING site with how-to videos, example projects, and a wonderful searchable database of project materials.  They also offer webinars on Wednesdays to help you learn more about the process and implementation.

I really think Project Based Learning is the direction we should all be moving - real world problems, collaboration, in-depth inquiry...  Technology can play a large role in PBL and I am excited to see where we go from here!


  1. We used this link for forms to plan our next PBL with Space 2012.
    Maybe it will help as you come across people who want to try it.

    Happy New Year!

    1. Am using this next week! You're awesome! Thank you!


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