Evaluating Technology Use in the Classroom

I read an interesting article in TCEA's TechEdge magazine this morning.  It discusses the effective use of technology in the classroom.  Just because all of the students in a class are working on laptops DOES NOT necessarily mean learning is taking place.  Teachers (and administrators!) need to ask these questions in order to evaluate the technology use in their classrooms and schools:
  • Is the technology being used "just because it's there"?
  • Is the technology allowing the teacher/students to do old things in old ways?
  • Is the technology allowing the teacher/students to do old things in new ways?
  • Is the technology creating new and different learning experiences for students?
It is good to know how technology is being used and if it is being used effectively.  Think about how you, as an educator, can move your use of technology to a deeper more meaningful level within your classroom.
